Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Today is Eternal Life

Live today as if it were a moment in an eternal existence. After all, the eternal portion of ourself will live forever. Our spirit is immortal and, though our body will die and our spirit will be embodied again in the resurrection, we are immortal beings. And, today is one day in the immortal life of our spirit self.

Sometimes I forget that life is eternal and get caught up in being busy, rushed, and concerned with deadlines. It seems that we feel the weight of deadlines because, for every minute that goes by, we have one minute less between now and a deadline.  Death is the ultimate deadline (pun intended). After death, though, there is infinite time. I could go watch a canyon form over several eons and still have no less time left afterward. So, whatever I do in the eternities, I will do because it is an expression of who I am, not because of a reaction to a deadline. I will choose activities that express what I care enough about to do without any compulsion.

I wonder if I can behave that way now. Can I live in a moment as if what I do in that moment is an expression of who I am and what I value rather than a reaction to a deadline? There are moments that feel as if I am doing exactly what I would do if I had infinite time. I enjoy a conversation with full interest in the other person and no concern for passing time. I enjoy an event with family and feel the joy of being together and happy with no worry about what else could be getting done during that time. The picture I have included above is from my wedding day. That day was filled with such moments.

D&C 88: 28-29 contains a wonderful, hopeful promise. In says, "They who are of a celestial spirit shall receive the same body which was a natural body; even ye shall receive your bodies, and your glory shall be that glory by which your bodies are quickened. Ye who are quickened by a portion of the celestial glory shall then receive of the same, even a fulness." It gives me hope to think that the threshold we must cross to obtain a fulness of celestial glory is that we enjoy just a portion of the celestial glory here today. As I reflect on those wonderful moments that are lived as if I am already in the eternities, I feel that it is possible to have just a little of the celestial here and now.  And, I am encouraged that God promises the fulness later, if we just learn to live by a little of the celestial glory in this life.

The challenge, then, is to live now, today, as if it is just one day in our eternal life.

1 comment:

  1. Great photo! Expansive thoughts!

    What a concept of infinite time you have. But our period of mortal probation is so short, as Steve Jobs found out.

    In our rush to maximize our experience on earth, we must make sure that we do what we were sent here to do. I'm starting to realize what that is.

